Constructing Modern Methods

Blog Posts

Unlocking the market for modular housing in Bristol

Constructing Modern Methods (CMM) has launched a prototype toolkit which aims to help Councils meet their housing targets by bringing together complex data on modular housing providers in one place.
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About Us

There are numerous blockers currently to modern methods of construction – many around the unknown risks, how to interrogate new data to make solid decisions and build new business cases. At the moment the solution is to instruct a consultant to advise on the best options. Construction professionals then address viability and look to procure...
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Home Page

Our mission is to encourage innovation and support the acceleration of modern methods of construction. Allowing modular suppliers and companies to overcome the barriers to entry they are currently facing by providing robust, quality assured data on a range of MMC products suitable for site. What is CMM? CMM offers an innovative solution to the...
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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy sets out how the YTKO Group uses and protects any information that you provide to the YTKO Group after you give consent. YTKO Group is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected and our company is registered on the Data Protection Public Register of the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Should we...
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Blog Posts

Bristol Housing Festival – The Virtual Expo 2020

Last autumn, Bristol Housing Festival held a Virtual Expo, which the Constructing Modern Methods team attended.
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